Jazzday 2025

Clarissa & Around Midnight Tour September '25/bis Dezember '26

Workshop Concert Tour 2025



Fusion Africa

Alfredo Hechavarria & Cameron Ward Band (Cuba/SA) - Fusion Africa


It was the great anthopologist and ethnomusicologist Fernando Ortiz (1881-1967) from Havana who coined the term "Afro-Cuban" to acknowledge the vast contribution of Africa to Cuba's culture.


Alfredo Hechavarria & Cameron Ward Band are an Afro-Cuban ensemble in the sense of the word and living testimony of the fact that the Atlantic Ocean has never been a cultural one way street, that African-American music from countries like the US, Cuba, Jamaica and Brazil always found a way back east across the sea.


Alfredo Hechavarria from Santiago de Cuba is a marvellous musician on the electric, acoustic and baby bass as well as on the classical guitar. In his homeland he studied European classical music, Cuban music and jazz. He played, among others, with the excellent latin jazz group Diakara, led by the percussionist and singer Oscar Valdés of Irakere fame, and with Issac Delgado, one of Cuba's best salsa singers. Two decades ago, Alfredo moved to Germany. Together with his wife, the German/Argentinian singer Clarissa Hechavarria, he came to Africa for the first time, joing forces with some excellent musicians from Cape Town (who are all familiar with latin music) to form a truly Afro-Cuban band - Fusion Africa.

The mother continent of mankind is represented in this group by Cameron Ward (who was chosen by the late great Hugh Masekela as guitarist for his band among many applicants), by his brother Jason on percussion, the keyboardist Benjamin Lewis and drums Mornay Hoffmeester (sideman in many international bands including Marcus Miller, Ernie Watts and many more.

Be prepared for an exceptional latin jazz experience with music that was composed and arranged by one of Cuba's great bass players.

First concert in south Africa during the Womad 2023 Warm up battle Kronendahl Concert 23.09.23


Fusion Batá by Alfredo Hechavarria

Release 2023

New Album from the cuban worldmusician Alfredo Hechavarria



Making of